Grape Agate Skull


Shipping to United States: $13.52

Enhance your intuitive gifts with this unique skull carved from grape Agate.

Grape Agate is the name given to the botryoidal Purple Chalcedony that has been recently discovered in Indonesia. So far there has been only one locality found, making this an extremely rare and valuable stone.

Our master carver has tuned in with the stone to create the visual of the crystal looking like a real human brain. This skull is a unique one of a kind piece.

Grape Agate is a powerful intuitive stone that activates and links the crown and third eye chakras together. This stone helps to activate psychic abilities and dreams underestanding.

It has a protecting aura and emits a pleasant, contemplative vibe also promotes emotional peace and protection.

6,5 cm x 5 cm

The skull as a Symbol

Joshua Shapiro, coauthor of Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, cites claims of healings and expanded psychic abilities from people who have been in the presence of such skulls.

"We believe the Crystal Skulls are a form of computer which are able to record energy and vibration that occur around them," he writes. " The skull will pictorially replay all events or images of the people who have come into contact with them (i.e. they contain the history of our world)."

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